Monday, March 28, 2016

CSE:Urban India Floods

Dear Friend,


Our lakes and ponds, once the sponges of urban India, have been eaten away by real estate developers — unfortunately, it seems land is what a city values, not water. Hence Lakes have today turned into hazards that get choked even with low rainfall, and overflow into the blocked canals during high rainfall causing floods in the city. It is the disappearance of these sponges of the city that has aggravated floods and sharpened the pain of droughts. 


What happens when extreme rainfall events happen? The city drowns.  Considering the present bleak water scenario of Indian cities, today we need our urban lakes and wetlands more than ever.  This eBook talks about the threats as well as the ways of protecting the sponges of the city. 


This topical eBook is priced Rs.250/- but we are extending an introductory offer of Rs.150 on this till March 31, 2016.


Please order online by visiting us at:


You can also mail your DD/Cheque drawn in favour of "Society for Environmental Communications", payable at New Delhi.


This is available only in eBook version


Thanks and regards.


T R Ramachandran

Deputy General Manager

Society for Environmental Communications

41 Tughlakabad Institutional Area

New Delhi 110062