On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 5:21 AM, urvashi sharma <rtimahilamanchup@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
Government Sponsored Conspiracy to nip " the RTI movement " in the bud …
If it happens once , it's a co-incidence . If it repeats , its deliberate. In recent past , Lucknow has witnessed two seminars in two law faculties of different colleges on ( almost ) the same " Anti RTI " topic .
On 18th of September 2010 a Seminar on "use and misuse of RTI" was held in the Law Department, Lucknow University jointly by Lucknow University and National RTI forum .
On 22nd & 23rd of October 2010 a Seminar on "RTI Act 2005 , its use , overuse and misuse in India" was held in the Law Department, Shia P.G. College sponsored by University Grants Commission.
At a time when the RTI act has a limited reach to 5% of Indian Population & almost negligible compliance of
- Section 4 ( 1 ) ( b ) , 4 ( 1 ) ( c ) , 4 ( 2 ) by the Public Authorities ,- Section 25 & 26 by the Appropriate Governments- Section 18 , 19 & 20 by The information Commissioners ;Holding seminars on such topics is nothing but being a part of conspiracy of the government to marginalize the RTI act 2005 even before it should take a start. At a time , when the need is to spread awareness about the RTI , these seminars talk of "overuse" & " misuse " of the act.
RTI act is the act of the masses where spirit rules , but some intellects ( of course with vested interests ) want to drown it in the sea of legal jargons and misleading contexts.Though there may be positive discussions in such seminars but that goes into the backdrop and since topic is " anti RTI " , so anti RTI issues surface out and march forward with news headlines in next day's newspapers . This is detrimental to RTI movement i.e. to the masses and should be avoided.When majority has not yet used RTI act , how come anyone can say that it is being overused and misused . RTI act is the sunshine act to help ensure establishment of " Participatory Democracy " and to bring real "SWARAJ " in INDIA" . Truly speaking RTI act is an " underused " Act due to inaction of AGs , CAs , P.A.s & NGOs .If any of the group members have compiled illustrations of overuse and misuse of RTI act by RTI users , please share it to enhance my knowledge. If not , then please as a responsible citizen , decide topics of RTI-Seminars very judiciously as they have grave ramifications on our society .RegardsUrvashi Sharma8081898081
Urvashi Sharma
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